IELTSライティングTask 2 サンプル解答#17

IELTSのサンプル解答です。筆者はIELTSライティングで7.0以上の取得を目指して勉強しています。特にTask 2では、与えられた質問に適切に答えることが求められますが、そのためには思考を整理することが必要だと考えています。この記事では、自分がどのように筋道を立ててエッセイを作っているのかを文章にしています。

Topic Question

People spend large amounts of time and money on clothes, hairstyles and make up to change their appearance.

Is it important for people to be concerned about the way they look? What are the consequences of focusing on physical appearance?




  1. 外見を気にすることは重要か?
  2. 外見への執着はどんな結果をもたすか?


  • 重要
  • (理由)ビジネスや私生活で、第一印象がとても大事だから
  • (例1)大事な顧客との商談で、サンダルとジーンズで来た場合、顧客は自分が大切にされていないのではないかと感じてしまう
  • (例2)恋愛においても、清潔感が大事と言われており、外見を気にしない人はデート相手を見つけづらい
  • 外見へのtoo muchなこだわりは、いくつかの問題につながる
  • (例)美容整形への過度な出費
    • 多くの場合、整形は一回では終わらない
    • なぜなら、結果に満足できなかったり、もっと綺麗になりたいという欲望が出てくるから
    • 人によっては自分の求める「美」に届かず、精神的に病んでしまう
  • この背景には、自分と他人を常に比較して、劣等感を感じてしまうことが原因にあるのではないか






Nowadays, people are obsessed with their appearance, so that they consume a lot of time and money on goods and services to make them look better. Although it is important for people to care about their looks, excessive focus on it may cause negative effects.

It is important for people to spend time and money improving their looks because the first impression is crucial both in business and private life. For example, if people wear jeans and sandals for their important meetings with their clients, the clients may feel they are not treated as they should be, and the meetings may end badly. In addition, many females would prioritize cleanliness when dating men, so if men do not care about their appearance, they may find it hard to date someone.

However, the excessive obsession with appearance might cause several problems. First, people might overspend as they cannot be content with how they look. These days, there are so many celebrities who invest a lot of money in plastic surgery. In many cases, plastic surgery cannot end in one time but several times because they are either never satisfied with the outcome or want more. Some may even get depressed because of this insatiable desire to look good based on their own standard of beauty. One of the reasons behind this is that they constantly compare themselves with someone and feel inferior about their looks.

There is definitely nothing wrong with caring about one’s appearance to some extent because the first impression is essential in many situations in our lives, but as the old saying goes, too much of anything is dangerous.

(271 Words)


・obsessed with one’s appearance:異常なまでに外見(容姿)を気にしている


・be content with~:~に満足する

・plastic surgery:美容整形

・get depressed:落ち込む

・insatibale desire:飽くなき欲求

・feel inferior:劣等感を感じる、引け目を感じる

・old saying:古いことわざ

・too much of anything is dangerous:何であってもやり過ぎは危険です(※「トムソーヤの冒険」の著者のマークトウェインが言った、”Too much of anything is bad, but too much of whiskey is barely enough.”から文字ってみました。参照:goodreads


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