IELTSライティングTask 2 サンプル解答#2


Topic Question

In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

(IELTS 15 Cambridge)


Reading is a habit that is deemed crucial to improve oneself, and in this internet era, such habit has been revolutionized driving some people to believe that the printed materials will soon be a thing of the past.

There is a tendency especially for the younger generation leaning towards online reading because it is more convenient. With online materials, they can read wherever they are. E-book devices, for example, allow one to read while on the commute. The e-book device is so light and compact that it is more convenient than reading printed materials.

One of the most significant advantages for printed documents is the broader spectrum which is offered in a paper. For example, the newspaper covers topics from the economy, politics and society in one paper which gives people a chance to access a wide range of topics at one time. Whereas, for online materials, people tend to choose preferred topics which may lead one to be short sighted in terms of reading news.

In addition, I do not agree with the idea of free materials for online reading because they may contain some unreliable content. For example, there are tons of free websites available for the news, but there is some fake news, too. This situation makes it hard for us to discern what is reliable or not. For the paid content such as newspapers, however, we know the articles are usually written by skilled writers, so a certain credibility is assured.

In conclusion, even though online materials provide convenience for reading, printed documents will still exist in the future given the comprehensiveness and credibility of content.

(270 Words)


Topic Questionは、あらゆる読み物が無料かつオンラインでアクセスすることができるため、将来紙媒体の読み物がなくなるのではないかという問いを投げかけています。そしてこの問いに筆者がどの程度同意して、しないのかを具体例などを用いながら説明していくという流れになります。

  • 序文・・・これはいわばTopicの書き換えです。
  • Body 1・・・オンラインの読み物は便利なので、特に若者などがE-bookを使って読んでいる(オンラインの利点)
  • Body 2・・・紙媒体の読み物は、幅広いトピックに一度にアクセスできる。例えば新聞は、ぱらぱらとめくるだけで政治、経済、社会などを一度に見ることができる。一方オンラインだと、自分の興味のあるトピックのみを探して読む傾向にあるので、視野が広がらない(紙媒体の利点)
  • Body 3・・・オンラインで無料の読み物だと、信頼できるソースであるかが不明であることも多いため、信頼度に問題がある。一方、新聞などはスキルのある記者が書いている記事なので一定の信用度が供与されている
  • 結論・・・Topic Questionの「紙媒体は将来なくなるの?」という問いに対する筆者の答え。結論としては、なくならない。なぜなら、トピックの包括性と一定以上の信用度が紙媒体にはあるから。


・leaning towards (気持などが)~に傾く

・broader spectrum 広範囲

・a wide range of ~ 広範囲の~

・short sighted/narrow minded 視野が狭い

・discern~ ~を見分ける



